
Doing Business in Morton Grove


Morton Grove is home to more than 700 businesses that enjoy convenient access to all major forms of transportation systems, a diverse labor market, and a business-friendly environment. The Department of Community and Economic Development will work with you through each step of the process to opening a business, from site selection to occupancy.

Business Licensing

All industrial, commercial, and home-based businesses and non-residential uses located in the Village are required to maintain an active business license and renew it annually. This license does not regulate the manner in which you do business, but verifies that your business is in compliance with all local zoning, building, health, and fire codes and other applicable Village regulations. Title 4, Chapter 1 of the Municipal Code establishes business licensing requirements. Acceptance of a business license is an acknowledgement of the business owner’s responsibility to comply with all Village ordinances, including the maintenance of the public right-of-way immediately adjacent to the place of business.

The annual fee for this license is based on the size of your business operation. Additional fees are accessed for various businesses and activities. An additional license is also required for the sale of tobacco products and the sale or dispensing of liquor. The licensing period extends from January 1 to December 31. Existing business licenses must be renewed annually. Current fees can be viewed under Section 1-11-4 of the Morton Grove Municipal Code.

For additional information on business licensing, contact the Department of Community and Economic Development at 847-663-3063 or by email at [email protected].

Business Signage
Business signage is subject to the requirements of Municipal Code, Title 10, Chapter 10. The installation of any permanent signage on private property requires a Sign Permit, which may be obtained by submitting a Sign Permit Application. The installation of any temporary signage only requires Village authorization, which may be made by submission of a Temporary Signage Application. Signage applications can be obtained from the Department of Building and Inspectional Services.

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