
Food Scrap Program

Food Scrap Program

Morton Grove has choices when it comes to their Compost Collection Services

Year-Round Compost Collection Service

The Village of Morton Grove is excited to launch a new curbside compost collection service in partnership with WasteNot Compost starting January 2024! Please read important instructions and information below. Read the press release here.

Registration Information

The simple steps to start composting are highlighted below:

  1. Fill out the Registration Form
  2. Create your account from the registration follow-up email from WasteNot
  3. Receive your receptacle and start composting starting January 2024!

Registration for the service is open to all Morton Grove residents! To register, choose a service collection frequency and enter payment information. Participants will then receive an email from WasteNot prompting you to create an account within 1-2 business days. Morton Grove residents who complete the registration form will have their 5-gallon WasteNot receptacle dropped off during the first service week with service to begin the first week of January 2024.

Service Information

Participating residents will be given an airtight 5-gallon compost receptacle, with the option to select either a weekly or bi-weekly (every other week) service pickup. A “receptacle swap” strategy will be used, which includes replacing used receptacles with a new, clean sanitized container each pickup.

There are no long term commitments and no cancellation fees, the service is also offered year-round!

WasteNot is able to accept a wide variety of compostables including all food waste, 100% paper products, certified compostable products, and more in the receptacles provided to Morton Grove residents.

All billing, customer service requests, account questions, and general service questions will be handled through WasteNot. Participating residents, or "Members", will have access to a "Member Portal" that provides easy access to edit, change, or review service options and billing. The portal also gives Members exclusive access to WasteNot's sustainable online shop and tracks personalized waste diversion metrics. Service can be suspended, skipped, and customized all in the portal easily.

Click here to view more information on why you should compost.

Commercial Service

 Are you a local business in Morton Grove who is interested in composting? Please complete the commercial inquiry form and a WasteNot Commercial Service representative will reach out to you promptly with more information on how to get started with our business composting service. All types of organizations and businesses including public and private schools along with non-profits are eligible for the service.

About WasteNot Compost

WasteNot Compost is the nation’s only zero-emissions compost collection service for homes, businesses, and events. WasteNot has become Chicagoland’s leading compost collection provider, one of the largest electric fleet owners in Illinois, and has been ranked the #1 compost collection service in the USA four years running by WasteNot Compost, Chicagoland’s leading compost provider and only zero-emissions service, has been awarded the exclusive residential compost service contract from the Village of Morton Grove.



Mar-Dec Only Compost Collection Service

65 Gallon Container
95 Gallon Container (see Fee Schedule)
From March 15 - December 15 of each year, residents may participate in food waste composting by subscribing to the 95 or 65 gallon Landscape Waste/Food Scrap Cart Subscription Program. Any bag or bundle placed outside of the cart will require a prepaid sticker to be affixed to each item. Food scraps can only be placed in the Groot provided container.

  • Acceptable food scraps for composting include: fruits, vegetables, bread, grains, pasta, cereal, non-liquid dairy, eggshells, coffee grounds (no coffee filters) and tea leaves (no teabags)
  • Unacceptable food scraps includes: teabags and coffee filters, meat, poultry or seafood (no shells or bones), paper products (paper towels, plates, napkins, egg cartons, and pizza boxes), glass, plastics, Styrofoam, diapers, pet litter and waste, liquids, grease and oil.
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