
Notice of Construction – Gateway Plaza Improvements Project

The Village of Morton Grove will be making improvements at the green space on the south side of Lincoln Avenue at Ferris Avenue. The project is called Gateway Plaza Improvements Project (“Gateway Plaza”). The property will provide a public plaza with benches, bicycle parking racks, planting beds and other landscaping to beautify the site. A Construction Notice was distributed to residents living near the project area on August 8, 2024.

The work is scheduled to begin the week of August 12, 2024.

The public sidewalk along the south side of Lincoln Avenue will be removed and the new sidewalk will be widened, eliminating the parkway area. Gateway Plaza will require the temporarily closure of the eastbound Lincoln Avenue parking lane and the sidewalk along the south side of Lincoln Avenue. Two-way vehicular traffic will still be maintained on Lincoln Avenue with pedestrian traffic directed to the sidewalk on the north side of Lincoln Avenue. The work impacting parking lanes and the sidewalk access work should be completed over one week.

The work to construct the public plaza (outside of the sidewalk) will have a minor effect on traffic. The site will not be accessible to the public while the work is in progress. The full Gateway Plaza project work should be completed by the end of October.

You may contact the Public Works Department general number at 847-470-5235 if you have any questions about this project.

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