Street Improvement Program
Rehabilitation of Village streets involves an ongoing management program that rates the condition of all village streets on an annual basis. Through this rating system streets are chosen for reconstruction and/or resurfacing depending on budgetary constraints.
Street Repair/Potholes
The impact of weather conditions throught the year, particularly winter cold, snow, and salt, can be very detrimental to the condition of streets and alleys, making driving conditions difficult. The Street Division actively patrols the Village to find and patch potholes in an effort to maintain safe roadways. During the winter months, potholes receive a temporary patch. Permanent repair will be completed during the warmer months. Occasionally, one may be overlooked. If you notice a pothole that needs to be filled or a street that needs to be fixed, please contact the Department of Public Works.
Street Signs
The Department of Public Works is responsible for the fabrication, installation, repair and maintenance of Village street and regulatory signs. These signs are important safety and directional guideposts. If you notice one missing or damaged, contact the Department of Public Works or Police Department.
Traffic Signals
The Department of Public Works operates and maintains the various traffic signals throughout the Village. Please report any malfunctioning traffic signals to the Department of Public Works.
Street Lights
The Village prides itself on being a safe community. Quality street lighting is instrumental to deterring crime. If you notice a street light out, please call Public Works between the hours of 7:00 am through 3:15 pm to have it replaced.
Street Cleaning
The Village is proud to have clean streets. A street cleaner cleans the streets once a week. In some neighborhoods, there are signs notifiying residents of parking restrictins to allow for the completion of street cleaning services.
The 2018-2019 Street Cleaning Schedule is:
West of Harlem between Dempster and Golf Road |
East of Harlem and West of Lehigh between Dempster and Golf Road |
Between Dempster and Lincoln Between Ferris and Menard Between Austin and Long from Lincoln to Mulford |
Between Dempster and Lincoln from Menard To the Edens From Meade to Linder between Dempster and Church |
From Church to Capri between Linder and Lehigh including the Delaney Farm area |
The Leaf Collection Program is scheduled from October 14th to December 6th 2019.
Snow Removal
The snow removal crews in the Department of Public Works pride themselves with providing residents with the cleanest and safest streets in the area. The crews are always ready for winter's inclement weather.
It is the Village's policy to begin salting or de-icing operations as soon as precipitation begins to fall onto the streets. Additionally, snow plowing begins when approximately one (1) inch of snow accumulates on the streets and continues until all the streets are cleared. The department has several snow removal priorities. They are as follows:
- Maintain accessability for emergency vehicles.
- Maintain major street driveability.
- Maintain side street driveability.
- Provide accessibility for commuter parking facilities, municipal parking lots and public buildings.
- Maintain alley driveability for residents.
For more information on the Village's preparations for snow removal, contact the Public Works Department.
Snow Route Parking Restrictions
The Police and Public Works Departments remind residents to be mindful of designated snow route parking restrictions whenever snowfall accumulation exceeds one (1) inch. Snow routes are posted with blue and white signs noting the snow route restriction. Parking is prohibited on designated snow routes until such time as snow removal operations are completed. Vehicles illegally parked on designated snow routes may be ticketed and/or towed. The following streets have been designated as snow route streets:
- Austin Avenue between Oakton Street and Beckwith Road
- Beckwith Road between Waukegan Road and Washington Street
- Capulina Avenue between Austin Avenue and Ferris Avenue
- Central Avenue between Theobald Road and Lake Street
- Central Avenue between Lake Street and Golf Road
- Church Street between Oriole Avenue and Washington Street
- Greenwood Avenue between Waukegan Road and Ozark Avenue
- Lake Street between Harlem Avenue and Oleander Avenue
- Lake Street from Linder Avenue to Parkview School
- Menard Avenue between Oakton Street and Capri Lane
- Oak Park Avenue between Dempster Street and Beckwith Road
- Oleander Avenue between Lake Street and Suffield Avenue
- Oriole Avenue between Dempster Street and Wilson Terrace
- Ozark Avenue between Dempster Street and Palma Lane
- Suffield Avenue between Oleander Avenue and Ozark Avenue
- Theobald Road between Central Avenue and Marmora Avenue