
Village Committees and Commissions

Several boards, commissions, and committees have been established over the years to study and address specific needs within the Village of Morton Grove. Currently, there are over 125 people serving on these various commissions. While some commissions assist in the administration of specific programs, others make important policy recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The activities of each board, commission, and committee have a direct impact on the quality of life in the Village.

Please note: Meeting Rules of Procedures

PDF versions of the Commission agendas and minutes are available on the Village Calendar

A list of these boards, commissions, and committees along with a brief mission statement and meeting times follows:

Advisory Commission on Aging 
The Advisory Commission on Aging is composed of senior citizen residents and representatives of public and private organizations serving the needs of older residents of Morton Grove. The powers and purpose of this commission shall be:

  • To provide a forum for the discussion of problems of the aging and proposals to meet these needs, and to aid the aging in presenting their viewpoint to public and private agencies.
  • To assess the current status of community programs and services offered to the aging and to initiate the development of expanded services.
  • To advise in coordinating the development of long range programs among agencies serving the elderly.

To educate the community about various phases of the aging process, and disseminate information pertaining to services and programs to the citizens of the village.

The Advisory Commission on Aging meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month, except for July and August, at 1:00 p.m. at the American Legion Memorial Civic Center, 6140 Dempster St.  Guests are welcome!

Appearance Commission
To hold public hearings and review applications for new construction or remodeling of buildings, signs, or fences. Meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Hall Council Chambers.

Cable & Telecommunications Commission
To act as a liaison between the Board of Trustees and cable/telecommunications providers in the Village; provide a forum for cable television subscribers to discuss issues concerning cable television service.

Toll free customer service numbers:
AT&T (U-Verse only): 888-803-2456
Comcast: 866-594-1234

Please use these numbers for all Cable TV, Internet and telephone regarding billing, service and questions related directly to your service provider.

If you are unable to resolve issues with either company and wish to request help from the Village, please contact the Morton Grove Cable and Telecommunications Commission at 847-965-4100 or attend a meeting of the Village’s Cable Commission or use our contact page.

Community Relations Commission
The purpose of the community relations commission shall be to foster, encourage and stimulate the improvement of relations among and between citizens of all races, creeds, national origins and economic and educational levels; and to provide all individuals with an equal opportunity to grow and participate to the best of their ability, in the economic, educational, social and cultural activities available in our community. The commission will also assist in the development of public information and related communication programs to enhance the quality of life for all village residents. The Commission meets the 3rd Monday of every other month beginning in January at 6:30 p.m. in the Trustees Conference Room at Village Hall.

Economic Development Commission
This volunteer commission is focused on improving Morton Grove’s business climate by striving to balance the local demand for goods and services with the economic needs of the local commercial and industrial business community. Commissioners promote existing businesses to Morton Grove residents, reach out to new retail businesses, and communicate with the Chamber of Commerce and our elected officials. Commissioners include village residents and representatives of local businesses. Public meetings are held at 7:00 PM on 2nd Monday of February, April. June, August, October & December in the second-floor conference room of Village Hall, 6101 Capulina Avenue. For further information call 847-663-3061.

Environment & Natural Resources Commission
This Commission replaces the former Board of Environment Health and Natural Resources Commission and will assist the Village Board’s efforts to promote the conservation preservation improvement, and protection of the environment and natural resources of the Village. The Commission meets the 1st Monday of every other month beginning in February at 6:00 pm at Village Hall.

Fire and Police Commission
Responsible for the recruitment and promotions of sworn fire and police department personnel, including disciplinary action when required. Meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in Fire Station #4.

Firemen's Pension Board
To administer Morton Grove's fire pension fund as directed by state statute. Membership is specified by state law and includes certain Village officials and elected members of the Fire Department. Meets the third Tuesday of every quarter at 3:00 p.m. in the Fire Station 4 Multi-Purpose Room.

Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals
To prepare and recommend to the Board of Trustees requests for proposed subdivisions and changes in land use; review variations from the Village's zoning ordinance and requests for special-use permits. Meets the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Village Hall Council Chambers.

Police Pension Board
To administer Morton Grove's police pension fund as directed by state statute. Membership is specified by state law. Meets quarterly at 5:00 p.m. in the Police Training Room at Village Hall.

Special Events Commission
The purpose of the Morton Grove Special Events Commission is to work with Village officials and staff to plan, coordinate volunteers, and operate an annual festival for the benefit of the community, and such other events as authorized by the Village Board. The Morton Grove Special Events Commission shall:

  • Prepare a proposed budget for community events to be submitted to and approved by the Village Administrator and incorporated into the Village’s annual budget;
    Prepare all submissions and meet all requirements of the Village’s Special Events Ordinance;
  • Solicit, screen and make recommendations to the Village Administrator for the selection and contracting of vendors for community event(s) including, without limitation, carnival operators, bands and entertainment providers, staging and equipment vendors, food and beverage vendors, private security venders, parade entries, and firework operators;
  • Solicit, screen, train and organize volunteers for such events;
  • Work with Village staff to apply for and obtain all necessary local and state licenses and permits;
  • Work with the Illinois not-for-profit corporation known as the Morton Grove Days Commission to solicit and obtain donations and sponsors for event(s);
  • Provide appropriate public information and advertising for the event(s);
  • Exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to it from time-to-time by the Village President, Village Board of Trustees, or the Village Administrator

The Commission meets the 3rd Monday of every other month beginning in February at 6pm at the Public Works Facility, 7840 Nagle Avenue.

Traffic Safety Commission

  • To receive, review and present recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding requests or inquiries on matters involving traffic safety, including requests for installation of traffic control devices.
  • To review and make comments and recommendations on all proposed developments brought before the Plan Commission or before the Building Department as provided for in the procedural control process.
  • To review traffic studies and reports and make recommendations regarding the same to the Board of Trustees.
  • To identify and oversee the preparation, publication and distribution of traffic safety awareness information.
  • To make recommendations to the Board of Trustees as to the enactment of ordinances or amendment of existing ordinances regarding traffic safety.
  • To make recommendations to appropriate village departments as to enforcement of ordinances relating to traffic safety.

Meetings are regularly held on the first Thursday of each month in the Village Hall Council Chambers at 7:00p.

With the exception of occasional executive sessions, meetings are open to the public. Residents interested in serving on a board, commission, or committee are invited to submit an application (click here for form) to the Mayor's Office at the Village Hall. For additional information on meeting times, call 847-965-4100.

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