The Village of Morton Grove regulates the keeping of animals in Title 6, Chapter 4 of the Village Code.
Every owner of any dog, cat or ferret over six (6) months of age must obtain a permit to own said animal from the village and pay a permit fee indicated below. The owner must provide the village with proof the animal has been currently inoculated against rabies and that the inoculation has not expired as a condition of obtaining and maintaining said permit.
Dogs or cats visiting or temporarily at the property need not have a Village of Morton Grove license, however, they must be have a current rabies inoculation and the numbers of pets in total cannot exceed those listed above.
Permit (Pet License) Fees:
The fees are $25.00 per dog, cat or ferret if the animal is not neutered or spayed.
The fees are $10.00 per dog, cat or ferret if the animal is neutered or spayed and microchipped.
The purchase of a dog or cat license can be done online by clicking here.
A current copy of the rabies certificate must be presented with the application.
Veterinary proof of neutering or spaying and microchip registration must be included with the application if applicable.
After registering the animal, the owner will receive a permit tag which must be fastened to the animal's collar and worn by the animal at all times. Any ferret, dog or cat which does not have such a tag while in or upon any public street may be deemed to be a stray.
The renewal period for pet licenses will begin in June. A renewal form for pet licenses will be mailed annually to the owner's last registered address in June of each year.
Pet licenses are available for purchase throughout the year.
Pet licenses will expire August 31 of each year.
Please call the Front Desk at 847/965-4100 for further information.
The number of animals permitted in a premise restricted as follows:
No owner or person shall keep more than seven (7) animals over six (6) months of age on any premises, and not more than three (3) of such animals may be dogs, cats, or ferrets of the same species. This section shall not apply to persons who are licensed to operate animal hospitals or kennels.